2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®通常是帮手. Many of us want to serve our profession and have a lot to offer. Maybe that describes you but you just don’t know how to start. Or maybe you’re concerned about the “politics” of it all. 我明白了.

The 领导 Development Advisory Committee for 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® has a program that is just what you’re looking for. The 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 领导 Mentor Program gives volunteers at every level of the REALTOR® association the opportunity to get guidance from another REALTOR® who’s had experience.

Mentors and mentees are matched for a three-month commitment with the expectation to meet for at least one hour each month. At the end of the commitment, most of our matches agree to continue the relationship. Mentees can expect mentors to help them establish a plan to meet or exceed their individual leadership goals.

It’s important to note that mentors only advise on matters related to volunteer leadership within the REALTOR® associations and community. Mentors are not business coaches.

Mentees who have completed their initial three-month match say things like, “我现在感觉更专注了,” and “I realize that I do have what it takes! I can be of great value to my industry.” My favorite mentee comment was from James Martin of the MetroTex Association of REALTORS®, 谁说, “I have a new best friend for life and a legitimate, obtainable path to meet my goals.” James also said his mentor has been ”exceptionally helpful by pointing out perspectives and details that I hadn’t thought of previously.”

James has gone on to serve as a mentor himself, and he isn’t the only mentee who became a mentor. While you may need some guidance on getting involved with the National Association of REALTORS®, you may be able to help someone else understand the processes for being involved with 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®. 两者都可以! This program brings out qualities central to being a REALTOR®. 我们喜欢帮助别人. 我们分享我们的知识. As our national ad campaign says, “That’s Who We R.”

Interested in matching with a mentor?

Visit the 领导 Mentor Program page 学习如何开始.